College of 健康, 人类服务 & 护理

儿童发展B.S.:咨询 & 家庭服务中心

儿童发展理学学士侧重于研究个体从受孕到青春期结束的不同背景. Students are provided with fundamental knowledge of 发展al processes, theoretical and methodological advances in the study of children, and current issues in the field. 课程提供课堂和实地经验,以准备知识渊博和有效的儿童和家庭专业人士. Students will gain knowledge and skills pertaining to working with families, cultural diversity in child and family services, and common problems in families and communities. 学生将进一步获得知识和技能,为进入婚姻和家庭治疗等研究生课程做好准备, 社会工作, 咨询, and clinical psychology.

欲知详情,请浏览 儿童发展 program website.

儿童发展B.S.:早期发展 & 学习

儿童发展理学学士侧重于研究个体从受孕到青春期结束的不同背景. Students are provided with fundamental knowledge of 发展al processes, theoretical and methodological advances in the study of children, and current issues in the field. 课程提供课堂和实地经验,以准备知识渊博和有效的儿童和家庭专业人士. Students will gain knowledge and skills in curriculum 发展, 观察, and assessment methods in early childhood settings.

欲知详情,请浏览 儿童发展 program website.


儿童发展理学学士侧重于研究个体从受孕到青春期结束的不同背景. Students are provided with fundamental knowledge of 发展al processes, theoretical and methodological advances in the study of children, and current issues in the field. 课程提供课堂和实地经验,以准备知识渊博和有效的儿童和家庭专业人士. 学生将准备追求研究生教育和/或多样化的职业生涯,包括幼儿教育和K-12教育, 家长教育, 青少年心理咨询, prevention/intervention program 发展, occupational/behavioral/speech therapy, 社会工作, 或者儿童权益.

欲知详情,请浏览 儿童发展 program website.


儿童发展理学学士侧重于研究个体从受孕到青春期结束的不同背景. Students are provided with fundamental knowledge of 发展al processes, theoretical and methodological advances in the study of children, and current issues in the field. 课程提供课堂和实地经验,以准备知识渊博和有效的儿童和家庭专业人士. Students will gain an understanding of the theories, 政策, and procedures of the juvenile justice system; the causes of delinquent behavior among adolescents as well as the adjustment problems and treatment of delinquent youth.

欲知详情,请浏览 儿童发展 program website.

儿童发展B.S.:管理 & 政府

儿童发展理学学士侧重于研究个体从受孕到青春期结束的不同背景. Students are provided with fundamental knowledge of 发展al processes, theoretical and methodological advances in the study of children, and current issues in the field. 课程提供课堂和实地经验,以准备知识渊博和有效的儿童和家庭专业人士. Students will gain an overall understanding of management theory and organizational dynamics. Students will have an opportunity to gain knowledge and skills in (1) finance, (2) human resource management, (3)市场营销, (4) business and interpersonal communication, (5)方案评价, (6) and managing non-profit organizations.

欲知详情,请浏览 儿童发展 program website.

临床科学B.S.: Cytotechnology

临床科学学士学位旨在为临床科学专业提供学士学位水平的准备. The rapid expansion of basic medical information, 近年来,方法学和技术的发展增加了对临床训练有素的专业人才的需求, 研究, and teaching laboratories. 医学技术专家和细胞技术专家等专家的培训都在临床科学领域的广泛范围内. 符合条件的毕业生可以申请医学技术或细胞技术临床实习项目的学士学位后证书.

欲知详情,请浏览 临床科学 program website.


临床科学学士学位旨在为临床科学专业提供学士学位水平的准备. The rapid expansion of basic medical information, 近年来,方法学和技术的发展增加了对临床训练有素的专业人才的需求, 研究, and teaching laboratories. 医学技术专家和细胞技术专家等专家的培训都在临床科学领域的广泛范围内. 符合条件的毕业生可以申请医学技术或细胞技术临床实习项目的学士学位后证书.

欲知详情,请浏览 临床科学 program website.


健康科学理学学士学位(含社区健康选项)旨在为学生提供必要的技能和观点,使其在不同种族的城市人口中成为有效的社区卫生工作者和教育工作者, economically and demographically.  Students will gain knowledge and understanding of health behavior and strategies for change, health disparities among diverse populations, and the 发展 of programs that increase access to healthcare and related services. 学生将获得开发健康教育材料所需的技能,并对公共卫生问题和通常用于研究和解决这些问题的方法有基本的了解. Upon completion of the Community 健康 Option, students will qualify to take the national Certified 健康 Education Specialist (CHES) examination.

欲知详情,请浏览 健康科学 program website.

健康科学B.S.: 健康 Care Management

健康科学理学学士学位(可选医疗保健管理)旨在为学生提供管理原理和理论的一般基础, the skills needed by frontline or middle level supervisors in a health care unit, an understanding of the organizational structure of the health care system, the financing of health care services in the United States, and knowledge of current health 政策 at local, state and federal levels. 该方案旨在加强学生的智力和开发和调动人力和机构资源和服务的能力,以满足不同个人和人群的健康需求, as well as the communities in which they reside.

欲知详情,请浏览 健康科学 program website.

健康科学B.S.: Radiologic Technology

健康科学理学学士学位(含放射技术选项)专为已经获得专业认证的本科生或转学生而设计. 该项目是与加州大学洛杉矶分校港湾医学中心放射技术学院合作开设的, 目前由放射技师教育联合审查委员会认可并由加州教育部批准的放射技术培训机构. Upon completion of the program, 学生将有资格参加由美国放射技师注册局颁发的认证考试. A separate application to the Radiologic Technology option for entering students is required.

欲知详情,请浏览 健康科学 program website.


The Bachelor of Arts in 人类服务 prepares students for employment in a variety of professional service careers. The curriculum combines courses from 人类服务, 儿童发展, 健康科学, 心理学, 社会学, Anthropology and other areas. It is similar to a degree in 社会工作, and it is a great major for people who want meaningful jobs helping others and serving their communities. 人文服务专业的一个独特之处在于学生通过实习和实地工作参与到人文服务领域的实际工作中. 实地工作环境是通过各种政府和私人机构和组织提供的,如心理健康, 家庭服务中心, 老年护理, 教育的设置, the correctional system, 娱乐部门, alcohol and drug agencies, 儿童服务, 医院, community group settings and many others.

欲知详情,请浏览 人类服务 program website.

公共服务B.A.: Mental 健康 Recovery

人文服务学士学位提供心理健康康复的选择,为学生在各种专业服务职业中就业做好准备. The curriculum combines courses from 人类服务, 儿童发展, 健康科学, 心理学, 社会学, Anthropology and other areas. It is similar to a degree in 社会工作, and it is a great major for people who want meaningful jobs helping others and serving their communities. 人文服务专业的一个独特之处在于学生通过实习和实地工作参与到人文服务领域的实际工作中. 实地工作环境是通过各种政府和私人机构和组织提供的,如心理健康, 家庭服务中心, 老年护理, 教育的设置, the correctional system, 娱乐部门, alcohol and drug agencies, 儿童服务, 医院, community group settings and many others.

欲知详情,请浏览 人类服务 program website.


体育教育文学学士学位(健身总监)旨在为学生提供运动处方的原理和理论的一般基础,以及健身环境中一线运动专家所需的技能. A student in this option will acquire the essential knowledge in a variety of disciplines, such as exercise physiology, 运动机能学, 运动学习, 运动营养, and test/measurement in physical education, to be eligible certified as a fitness instructor, 运动专家, or fitness director by a national professional organization. The degree prepares students to be knowledgeable, 主管, and effective professionals committed to working in the fields of Physical Education, 康复, 身体健康, and Coaching for a diverse society. The program emphasizes excellence in teaching, 奖学金, and practice on developing solutions for the issues of lifelong health, 发展, and physical adaptability.

欲知详情,请浏览 运动机能学 program website.


体育教育文学学士和物理前治疗的选择,旨在为包括运动训练在内的各种联合健康专业的研究生学习准备完整的先决条件课程, 物理治疗, 职业治疗, 矫正器/假肢, 和按摩. The degree prepares students to be knowledgeable, 主管, and effective professionals committed to working in the fields of Physical Education, 康复, 身体健康, and Coaching for a diverse society. The program emphasizes excellence in teaching, 奖学金, and practice on developing solutions for the issues of lifelong health, 发展, and physical adaptability.

欲知详情,请浏览 运动机能学 program website.


体育教育文学学士学位(教学选项)旨在为学生提供基本技能和从包括生物和物理科学在内的多个角度的综合知识, social and behavioral sciences, 和人文. 该计划的目标是培养专业的体育教育者,他们将通过促进终身参与积极的健康实践,带领不同的个人和人群走向健康的生活和人类的福祉. The degree prepares students to be knowledgeable, 主管, and effective professionals committed to working in the fields of Physical Education, 康复, 身体健康, and Coaching for a diverse society. The program emphasizes excellence in teaching, 奖学金, and practice on developing solutions for the issues of lifelong health, 发展, and physical adaptability.

欲知详情,请浏览 运动机能学 program website.


护理学学士学位(RN-BSN)是 专为希望扩大护理职业机会和领导角色的注册护士设计的. Students are equipped to function as leaders, managers and resource persons in a variety of health care settings. The curriculum is responsive to the needs of adult learners whose time, 生活方式, or work schedules make it difficult to complete a traditional course of study in residence at a campus. 该计划旨在使注册护士更容易获得高质量的护理高等教育,并旨在改善加州的医疗保健. The program is accredited by the Commission on Collegiate 护理 Education.

欲知详情,请浏览 护理 program website.